Glen-Footprints Database, update Facts & Figures, January 2023
It has been already five years ago that we published some breed specific statistics based on our Glen-Footprints Database. In these five years we made numerous additions and changes so we thought this is a good moment to update the breed statistics and to share the results with you.
To get access please use this link: 'Irish Glen of Imaal Terriërs, Facts & Figures January 2023'
We'd like to thank each and every one of you for your contribution and we hope we can count on you again in the future! Any questions, please contact us:
The Glen-Footprints Database team
New laboratory for PRA/Crd3- and Locus-B test, April 2021
As you may have heard, the Biofocus laboratory in Germany has recently stopped genetic animal testing.
European breeders would have to divert their Crd3 tests to a laboratory in the UK or even USA. Together with the German KFT (Klub für Terrier), we requested the Laboklin laboratory in Germany to develop a Crd3-test for our Glens. They wanted to do that if we could provide blood samples from affected, carrier and clear dogs to use for their validation process.
A few years ago Glen-Footprints took over all (over 750!) Glen DNA samples from the Ruhr University because otherwise they would have been destroyed. The idea behind it was that they probably could be used for some kind of research in the future because there is a lot of genetic information of the ancestors available.
We quickly benefited from this because instead of blood samples we could easily supply several DNA samples from affected, carriers and free dogs for the validation of the Crd3 test. Laboklin was very happy because this speeded up the process considerably.
After 2 months we received the happy news that they had successfully completed the validation process and that means that the Crd3 test and the Locus-B test can be ordered as from now in their webshop
Laboklin is a large laboratory with offices in almost all European countries, however the genetic tests are done in Germany at Labogen (Bad Kissingen). You can also contact the Laboklin office in your country for the test and they are willing to ship the blood samples and/or swabs to Labogen in Germany.
So this is very good news!

Year 2020, December 2020
Year 2020 was almost entirely dominated by the Corona pandemic. Nearly all planned events had to be cancelled.

Merry Christmas, December 2019
Team Glen-Footprints wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. We also want to inform you that we are very happy with our new Glen pup Lobke. Her pedigree name is Fire & Ice Queen of Hearts.

"Gathering native Irish Terrier breeds" in Vienna (A), October 2019
On October 6th we were invited for the third time in a row by the Austrian Terrier Club to organise the Glen-Footprints Lure Coursing. This year we were guests of the dog sports club ÖSPSC at the Thujagasse in Vienna. While the weather gods were doing well that day, more than 30 terriers were competing in order to be the fastest in their breed anyway.
In the end, the Irish Terrier Keila was the fastest overall with a measured top speed of 33.5 km/h. In the Irish Glen of Imaal Terriers we had two winners, Bärli and Duana, ex eaquo 27.2 km/h. Duana has now also earned a place in the „Top 40 of the fastest Glens ever“.
It was again a very successful event, which, due to the enthusiastic reactions, will very likely be repeated next year. :-)
We would like to thank the Wetscherek family for everything they did to make this weekend to a great success.
Team Glen-Footprints
'Fire & Ice Glentreffen' Witten (Ger), June 2019
Every two years the Blänkner family organizes a Glen meeting in the beautiful Muttental valley (Ger).
More than 60 Glens with their owners attended the Glenparade, a wonderful nature walk, a funny agility contest or were introduced to the first steps of nosework.
And of course there was also the Glen-Fooprints fun coursing; even 45 Glens were competing for the title 'fastest Glen of the Muttental valley'. In honor of Sam and Silke (patrons of this coursing edition) there was a very special certificate for each participant.
This time the fastest Glen of the Muttental valley was Cooey with 27.2 km/h, followed by Eva (26.9 km/h) and Lotje (26.8 km/h).
Many thanks to the Blänkner family and the Witten local group for this very successful event.
Team Glen-Footprints
Farewell Silke, March 2019
Farewell ❤️ Silke ❤️ * 07-01-2009 - † 14-03-2019
 Only 10 months after the death of our Sam we had to say farewell to our Silke, much too early. After the diagnosis of chronic renal failure, about 2.5 years ago, we already knew that she would not get very old. Still we were allowed to have her with us for 10 beautiful years.
She was our sunshine in the house, always cheerful and friendly to everyone and she didn't show at all that she was incurably ill. She was an enormous comfort to us when our Sam wasn't no longer there.
We miss our Silke very much ❤
Gene test liver/brown coat colour available, March 2019
The German laboratory (Biofocus LADR), which also offers the gPRA/Crd3 test for the Irish Glen of Imaal terrier, now also has a gene test on liver/brown-colored coat available for our breed.
The test is called ' B-Locus '. The inheritance is similar to gPRA/Crd3 (autosomal recessive).
A combination test, both Crd3 and B-Locus, from just one blood sample is of course also possible.
Further information (in German):
Order forms: Auftragsformular Biofocus
In the interest of the breed, we ask you to forward the results to us so that we can add them to our Glen-Footprints database. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The Glen-Footprints Database team
Party time, it's Silkes 10th Birthday!, January 2019
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!, December 2018
Glen-Footprints Database, update Facts & Figures, August 2018
It has been already three years ago that we published some breed specific statistics based on our Glen-Footprints Database. In these three years we made numerous additions and changes so we thought this is a good moment to update the breed statistics and to share the results with you.
To get access please use this link: 'Irish Glen of Imaal Terriërs, Facts & Figures 2018'
We'd like to thank each and every one of you for your contribution and we hope we can count on you again in the future! Any questions, please contact us:
The Glen-Footprints Database team
In loving memory to our Sam, June 2018
Goodbye ❤️ Sam ❤️ * 02-10-2002 - † 15-05-2018
During our holiday in Denmark, we had to say goodbye to our Sam. We are grateful to have shared love and sorrow for almost 16 years. We spend a great time together but now he is greatly missed. For Sam it means a reunion with Finn and Nanuque but someday we all will be together again.
Team Glen-Footprints
New research laboratory in Germany for gPRA in Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier, March 2018
It is no longer possible to have the DNA test for PRA done at the University in Bochum (D). The work is immediately taken over by the laboratory 'Biofocus' in Recklinghausen(D). So if you intended to let test the blood in Germany please use from now on this form.
Happy 15th Birthday Sam, October 2017
Holiday in Breskens, June 2017
'Fire & Ice Glentreffen' Witten (D), June 2017
Every 2 years we are invited at the 'Fire & Ice Glentreffen' in the wonderful Muttental valley in Witten (D).
This year no less than 55 Glens were, spread over two days, registered for this gathering.
On Saturday, our Glens participated in the 'Hunderally Just for Fun', a funny kind of agility in which not only the Glen has to manage several obstacles as quickly as possible but it also requires juggler skills of the Glen owner as well. This combination guarantees everytime a hilarious spectacle where participating is more important than winning.
  And our nearly 15 year old Sam tried to mislead (unfortunately without success) the jury by cutting the major part of the course ;)
On Sunday we (Glen-Footprints) traditionally performed the 'lure coursing event' . It was very funny to observe how the Glens were tempted to go through a dark and ominous tunnel. The fastest Glen was Cedric (29.4 km/h), at some distance followed by Capper (26.8 km/h) and Joyce (26.5 km/h). Cedric is a newcomer on a 6th place in the „Top 30 ranking of fastest Glens“.
Because we were invited already for many and many years not being 'Fire & Ice puppy owners', we decided to offer the lure coursing winner trophies as a sign of gratitude. These trophies were no ordinary cups but show Campari and Arriva, the Glens where it all started with kennel Fire & Ice, printed on a glass plaque.
Prior to the award ceremony, we thanked the Blänkner family for their great hospitality and handed them over a similar memory glass plaque.

Overall it was every day very pleasant until late at night and we would like to thank the Blänker family and all the volunteers of the 'Ortsgruppe Witten' for the excellent organization and of course all participants for this super successful Pentecost weekend with our Glens.
Team Glen-Footprints
Sam's 14th Birthday, October 2016
Dear Sam,
every day that you are with us, is a special day, but today is extra special because we're celebrating your 14th birthday, so congratulations and lots of hugs from us and we hope we all will enjoy many more special days together with you.
Team Glen-Footprints
New Glen of Imaal speed record in Naestved, Denmark !!!
On the 4th of June 2016 has Herman, 'Hammersmolles Njord', set a new speed record during lure coursing and crushed the old record top speed of 'Tumbling Glens Mr. Finn' with 0.2 km/h!!!
New top speed and thus new fastest Glen of Imaal terrier of the world is now Herman with a maximum speed of 31.8 km/h !!! The current top 30 ranking of the fastest Glen of Imaal Terrier ever can be found here: "Top 30 ranking" |
Our warmest congratulations to Herman, Michael and Henriette ....
A detailed report of our stay here in Denmark and the "delivery" of the first Glen-Footprints lure coursing machine to Denmark will soon follow.
Your Glen-Footprints Racing Team
In loving memory to Nanuque, January 2016
Nanuque „Fire & Ice Eve“, * 20-02-2001 – † 30-12-2015
Dear princess,
Thank you for letting us being part of our journey with you!
Thank you for all beautiful moments we experienced with you!
For us you'll always be unforgettable and you'll have a great place in our hearts! We miss you already so much! But we're sure that many beautiful memories, we had together, will very often put a smile on our faces, ... until we'll meet again one day at the rainbow bridge ...
Team Glen-Footprints
Glen-Footprints Database, update Facts & Figures, December 2015
Dear Glen friends,
another year has come to an end and it was a year in which we welcomed many new users; it was also a year in which we could make with your valuable help numerous additions to our Glen-Footprints database. So we thought this is a good moment to update our breed statistics, 'Irish Glen of Imaal Terriërs, Facts & Figures 2015' and to share these with you.
After the introduction of an inbreed calculation tool for hypothetical matings this year we have planned for 2016 to improve our realtime breed statistic page.
We'd like to thank each and every one of you for your contribution and we hope we can count on you again next year!
Wishing you and your beloved Glens a prosperous and healthy New Year 2016!
Any questions, please contact us:
your Glen-Footprints Database Team...
Coursing Danish Terrier Klub, DTK Kreds 5, September 2015
Dear Glen Friends,
this time our Glens are, by means of exception, not the main subject of this report! No, we are now expanding our 'terrier skyline' with the Fox, Staffordshire Bull, Toy, Jack Russell, Cairn, Skye, Irish, Mini Bull, Parson, Soft Coated Wheaten and Scottish terrier and we report, as already announced, about the 'lure coursing event' that we have held for the Danish Terrier Club, section Kreds 5, on September 6 at Naestved/Denmark.
Although we already had seen in recent years lots of different dogs coursing, this time it was exceptional exciting, interesting and above all it was a highly entertaining spectacle.
The classification of the dogs was according the 'official coursing guidelines' but for us it was a totally new experience, in other words it was not just only the fastest dog who could win but also the dogs which presented themselves as the most enthusiastic, the most intelligent, the most agile and the greatest endurance!

With such a wide variety of terriers this is a fair way to determine one or more winners ... But the most important thing of all was that all participants would have fun and that for sure was the case and even the youngest showed us what a great 'hare hunters' they already are .....

And in our opinion Rebecca, the Skye terrier, was the highlight of the day. At first we all had our doubts and were not so sure whether she would bring up this challenge ....but super sweet Rebecca made us all stunned and showed that a Skye terrier definitely is a real terrier;)...
Above you'll see a small selection of the many beautiful pictures of our coursing Rebecca.
At the end of this beautiful, exciting, funny and interesting day we had the following winners: |

fastest: Staffordshire Bull terrier "Chester"; most endurance: Skye terrier „Rebecca“; most agile: Fox terrier „Milou“; most intelligent: Stafforshire Bull terrier „Soya“ and most enthousiastic: Irish Glen of Imaal terrier „Silke“!
Once again our congratulations to all winners !!!! ... |
Gitte, thank you for making this day possible and furthermore we'd like to thank the members of the DTK Kreds 5 for your warm hospitality, your interest in coursing and that you liked to try something totally new with your dogs.' 1000 Tak' for the great time we had with you!

....and hopefully we will meet again in 2016 ... ..
your Glen Footprints Racing Team ... |
Glen-Footprints in Denmark, September 2015
Dear Glenfriends,
Some time ago we received a joyful invitation to introduce the fist Glen-Footprints Lure Coursing event in Denmark. And of course we gladly accepted this invitation, so on the first weekend of September the first Glen-Footprints Racing was launched in Denmark. It was an exciting race and we can tell you that the Danish Glens were damn fast and even the world record top speed (31.6 km/h) came in danger ...... but let us start at the beginning :-)
After a successful general rehearsal on Friday afternoon and a short but violent rain shower on Saturday morning, we were ready to start for the first Glen Racing in Denmark :-)

Remaining question was whether the Danish Glens were ready for us as well, and let it be said to you, they all were ... :) All four- and two-legged friends were very enthusiastic, highly motivated and super excited. They had a lot of fun and after the first few runs it went clear that the high speeds, we already had in previous years as Mr. Finn reached its world record, came back.
Fastest Glen in Naestved and the winner of the first Glen-Footprints Racing in Denmark was Herman with a top speed of 30.8 km/h, closely followed by number two, Viggo, with a speed of 29.2 km/h and the third place went well-earned to Higgins with 28.5 km/h! Our congratulations to the winners!
But all other participants also had an absolute blast ...

Sam, with almost 13 years the oldest and experienced Glen in competition, still had special fun: -)
The current top 30 ranking of the fastest Glen of Imaal Terrier ever can be found here: " Top 30 ranking "
A special highlight for Silke, Sam and Nate was the first Danish Rat Racing event, here are some impressions for you ...

Again we would like to thank all two- and four-legged friends very much for this great day and we are now definitely looking forward to the 2. Glen Racing in Denmark (next year?) ;)
On Sunday we had our second lure coursing event an we welcomed a wide variety of terrier breeds from the Danish Terrier Klub. And that was a really great day for us as well... although we shortly will report in more detail about this event we can already give away that our highlight was the 'super coursing Skye Terrier';) Let yourself be surprised ...
The Glen footprints Racing Team
New polo shirts for Glen-Footprints, July 2015
Dear Glenfriends,
finally we just would like to present you our new polo shirts. The shirts were already premiered at the last 'Glen-Footprints Racing' event in the Muttental valley but at that time we didn't have a suitable picture yet. 
We hope you'll find them just as nice as we do... and....let's be honest, from now we are a lot easier recognisable at next Glen-Footprints events ;)
The Glen-Footprints Team
Glen-Footprints Coursing in the Muttental valley, May 2015
Dear Glen friends,
on May 24, 35 Glens were in competition in Witten (Ger) to gain the title 'Fastest Glen of the Muttental valley 2015'.

And like always it was a very exciting and above all entertaining race; the participating Glens amazed us with their different hunting techniques which brought us to laugh very often. Anyway everybody had great fun and that's what we want to achieve with our Glen-Footprints coursing events.
At the end 'Kris' got the title 'Fastest Glen of the Muttental valley 2015 with a top speed of 26.2 km/h. 'Dew' took the 2nd place with 25.4 km/h and the 3rd place went to 'Silke' with 25.0 km/h.

After this race we updated the „Top 30 Ranking“ of the fastest Glens ever.
Next Glen-Footprints coursing event will take place on the 5th of September, venue is Næstved (Denmark).
The Glen-Footprints Racing Team
A reunion with Nanuque, April 2015
finally we were able to visit Nanuque and her new family during the Easter weekend and this visit gave us a real good feeling to see how happy and satisfied she was and yes ... she really could not find a better place te live.

We had a great time, it was much too short, but we hope we meet again soon !!!
Many thanks to you for your hospitality, cordiality, the pleasant time we could spend with you, just thanks for everything Angi, Barbara, Carmen, Dany, Erna, Katrin, Maria and all four leggers !!!
Hanny, Huub, Astrid, Sam, Silke and Nate
Nanuque’s 14th Birthday, February 2015
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nanuque, happy birthday to you!!!
We enjoy that you can celebrate this special birthday amongst your new family because, dear Glen friends, after a grievous year princess Nanuque now lives in a very large family amidst Barbara and Maria, the dogs Yakima and Nora, the cats Tinka, Grizzly, Ronni and Tabea, the rabbits Pino and Merla, the chinchilla Milli, the horses Furano, Aliva and Mistral and finally the donkey Mora.

Wow, Nanuque 14 years! Now life really begins for you, so show all those jumpers around you the way to go..... ;) It's good to hear that you're used to your new family pretty well already and deep in our hearts we hope you will enjoy your new year of life to the fullest!!!
We wish you a wonderful day and a great birthday cake, lots of goodies and a super birthday party!! In our minds we celebrate this day together with you....

We want to take this opportunity to say thanks to Barbara and Maria who keep us informed how things are going with Nanuque and how the whole family is settling.... we believe you don't have any idea what it means to us to know that Nanuque is doing so well.
We already enjoy us to meet all of you soon!!!
Paws for all of you from Sam, Silke and Nate
Footprints in the snow, January 2015
Old or young, regardless 13 years or 13 months ;) it all doesn’t matter, all Glens enjoy it when the world shows them her wonderful white winter dress.
Especially we are happy to see Nanuque playing in the snow, showing so much pleasure and passion, it’s a sign for us that she really enjoys her ‘new life’.... |
And there is Sam, who moves in the snow preferably on his back ;) |
Silke, who cannot desist, even in the snow, from training for the next coursing event... |
And Nate….well what shall I say, with his 13 months of age the first real snow in his life means only fun, fun, fun, it's exciting and thrilling and, once the snow has disappeared, he is very sad that it is all over… |
And finally Finn, Finn allways loved snow in all forms and dimensions, even if he looked like the Yeti himself ;) |
We wish all of you a nice and snowy winter… with lots of snow fun…
Paws from Nanuque, Silke, Sam, Finn and Nate |
Coursing Breskens, November 2014
Addendum to the Glen of Imaal Conference in Helsinki, October 2014
Dear Glen-friends,
one of the program points during this conference, held on the 8th of August 2014, was Gitte Thornsen's presentation "Double Mating".
For those, who are interested in this presentation, we created a link to this article: "Double mating".
This article is interesting in the context of our contribution to this conference: "Irish Glen of Imaal Terriers, facts and figures 2014".
We thank Gitte for sharing this interesting article.
In loving memory to our friend Monika von Arx, September 2014
If I look at the sky at night it is like all stars are laughing at me....
In one of the stars you shall be living. In one of them you shall be laughing.
You, only you, will have stars that can laugh!
And when my sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows),
I will be content that I have known you...
You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me.
And I will sometimes open my window, so, for that pleasure...
And my friends will be properly astonished to see me laughing as I look up at the sky!
Then I will say to them, 'Yes, the stars always make me laugh!'
(Antoine de Saint Exupéry)
In loving memory of our friend Monika von Arx, who lives on her own star since September 10, 2014. Smiling, full of joy and confidence that's how we will remember you forever, actually like a real 'Glen-lady' and we wish from the bottom of our hearts that your life at your star is better than it recently was here on earth.
And from now we also will have a star who can laugh ...
Hanny, Huub, Astrid, Sam, Silke en Nate |
Glen of Imaal Conferentie in Helsinki, Augustus 2014
Dear Glen-Friends,
At the Glen of Imaal Conference, which was held on 08-08-2014 in Tuusula (Finnland) (World Winner 2014), Huub had been invited to present some facts & Figures of our breed based on the Glen-Footprints Database.
The program of this conference was very versatile with many speakers from home and abroad. (Photos: Janne Leino)
For this occasion we had determined a large number of breed distinctive characteristics in order to present to the audience starting with the development of the average inbreeding coefficient (COI which has been stable around 20% over the last 25 years.
We explained the reason for calculating the inbreeding coefficient over 10 generations and what the impact is if you do the calculations with fewer generations or if one or more names are missing in the family tree.
Next topic was the small number of Glens, only 23%, which is used for breeding, so that means that 77% is not used. Especially the small number of males, only 1 out of 5, which is used for breeding, is definitely alarming.
An easy to realize the first step to improve the desired genetic variation in our breed is very obvious, use more different males!
we showed some statistics such as the average litter size, the number of litters and offspring per female or male, and discussed the extremes we found.
If you want to take a more detailed look at the numbers and graphs please click this link: Irish Glen of Imaal Terriërs, Facts & Figures 2014
After the final discussion it became clear that we gave the audience some food for thoughts on their way back home.

Glen-Footprints beach holiday, July 2014
Dear Glen friends,
recently we were allowed to go on holiday, unfortunately without Nanuque, but we are convinced that on our next holiday (in autumn) she will be one of us again. Since for many of you holidays will come very soon as well, we thought it might be a good idea to tell you about our adventures that brought us so much fun :)
Actually we would like to recommend each one of you to persuade your people to go for a beach holiday. It is a fantastic experience, the smell of the air, the seemingly endless soft sand beaches beneath your feet and lots of exciting stuff out there to be discovered, such as clams, jellyfish, crab legs, seaweed and many more and as tasty as it all smells, mmmhhhh in one word delicious!!
And for the real water lovers among us, of course, there is the sea where you can enjoy paddling as long as and much as you like!!!!

You can endless run along the beach or chase each other or go swimming or digging crazy holes or just relax and take a look around you. Anyway, such a beach vacation offers you already everything you need, plenty of action, but .... there could be still a bit more.....
We would recommend your people to book a holiday home surrounded by a large garden where you have plenty space to play Jollyball or other games. And a slide in the garden would be the ultimate highlight because sliding is so funny. And if you're a 'guardian type' you have the opportunity to make beautiful patrol walks to look what else is going on around there.

Suppose shopping or sightseeing is on the program and you feel too tired to walk that great distance, then we can advise to let you transported in a kids wagon, super comfortable and you'll definitely get all the attention from the people around you, wow feel like a king, just great! :)
And.. instead of having the boring job guarding the house on your own, you'll experience new adventures and go where the action is ;)
More about our adventures can be found here and we hope you'll have such a great and unforgettable holiday like we had.
In the mean time we are already looking forward to our next beach vacation ..... so have a great time all of you, see you soon.....
Big hugs,
Nanuque, Silke, Sam and Nate

New Glen-Footprints member, February 2014
Dear Glen friends,
since the 5th of April 2013 Finn is supporting our Glen-Footprints Team from the Rainbow Bridge.
Nevertheless Finn will always be close to us and live along on in our hearts, in our memories, in the spirit of the Glen-Footprints website and database. We will never forget him.
And all those beautiful and loving memories of Finn will very often put a smile on our faces and make our stay here on earth a little nicer and brighter....

And therefore it is with great pleasure and proudness that we can announce our new Glen-Footprints Team member:

On the 8th of February 2014 Nate found his new home and, only nine weeks young, he is already a significantly part of the Glen-Footprints team :-) .....
So, BEWARE! Now there is a fresh wind blowing at Glen-Footprints, young dogs go wild, so see what we have to report in the coming months ...;
Glen-Footprints car sticker, January 2014

Dear Glen-Friends,
proudly we present you our latest highlight:
The Glen-Footprints car sticker !!

Please send in your photos ...... , October 2013
Dear Glen-friends,
as previously written in "The making of ....." (message below), we were often sitting together on this beautiful beach in Zeeland brainstorming about future plans for our Glen-Footprints website. Lots of funny things were discussed and, as you can see on the pictures, there was a lot to laugh about as well.

... lots of ideas came by in our heads and some of them we had to reject immediately because they were hard to realise and on some others we studied a little longer, but actually there was one idea that we all liked most and that idea dominated our minds all the time.
But, ....... for realization we need to rely heavily on your help.
We would therefore request you to send in your favorite photo(s).
And it doesn’t matter whether it is your funniest, most beautiful puppy-, holiday-, Christmas-, action- or birthday picture; ok, there is one restriction, somewhere on the picture there must be a Glen visible:-)
In this way your Glens can also leave their footprints on this site!!!

... one of my favorite pictures of my last vacation: because Silke doesn't like to have a wet belly, Huub tries to let her run through the water, but everytime Silke found a much better 'solution' to the problem, well ... just simply, by running around it:-)

On the other hand, Nanuque enjoys her sprint through the water!
Please do not let us down , we hope to receive numerous e-mails with pictures from you, so once again: please get involved ....!!!
Send your email with the photos and a brief description to:
Take a quick look what we have so far: Your Footprints
The making of Glen-Footprints, September 2013
Dear Glen friends,
recently we spent some sunny and relaxing days with our Glens on the beach in Breskens. Regardless where we are, Monika and Huub never forget their work for Glen-Footprints and inspire us to do something very special.
This time we wanted to collect original Glen footprints for our website banner and we thought, if we couldn't find them here on this almost endless and stunningly beautiful beach, where else should we go???

Huub distributed the photo and video cameras while our fashion models were eagerly waiting in the starting blocks ..

And off we went starting "The Making of the new Glen Footprints Banner" or like I preferred to say, "hunting original Glen Footprints" :-)

the "hunt" has begun ......
…Suddenly ... some very large footprints appeared, footprints rather similar to "human feet"; ooopsss, might there be someone desperately wanting having his feet on our banner and winning our little contest in that way :-) ?.
OK, Huub has shown strong commitment and really tried to give everything but this action is not done, no way, especially not with respect to our real photo models, who were impatiently waiting to walk their parade!

Nanuque has quickly taken a little refreshment bath and Silke and Sam were arguing who's to start first :-)

Many photo shots have been taken, every time with higher expectations and it will not surprise you that our this year holiday photo album contains mostly footprints :-) but this work really was worthwhile ....

And at the end there was of course a well-deserved appreciation for their dedication and their great work ....
huge thanks to Nanuque, Silke and Sam!
And also to Monika, Hanny, Astrid and Huub, who ensured that our models were highly motivated!

This exciting day ended in a relaxed atmosphere around the barbecue 'brainstorming' about our upcoming adventures ;)
And the winner is...
